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Dos Santos International
McClaren Mill
531 Roselane St
Suite 810
United States of America
Tel: +1 770 423-9895
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Six New DSI Snake Units
Product News Friday, February 3, 2006: Dos Santos International
Adds Six New DSI Snake Units in Second Half of 2005
Dos Santos International has had great success with its Snake Sandwich Conveyors in 2005. The past six months alone have seen as many new units on order. The units are spread out over three orders from repeat customers.
The first order, placed in July 2005, is for two units to be installed at a diamond mine in Northwest Territories, Canada. These units will ultimately elevate kimberlite at rates of 500 t/h and 550 t/h up a 49.5 degree incline to 18.3m of lift. These units are currently in fabrication and will be delivered to Edmonton, from where they will take ice roads to their final destination.
In November, that customer returned for three more DSI Snakes to be used in another diamond mining project in Northern Ontario, Canada. These systems range in conveying rate from 185 t/h to 422 t/h, with each lifting wet ore approximately 18.5m. This project is currently in engineering with delivery expected early 2007.
Finally, pleased with the success of a previous installation, an eastern Canadian steel mill placed an order for their second DSI Snake in November 2005. This versatile unit will be handling a variety of materials at rates up to 188 t/h. This unit, also in engineering, is slated for delivery in mid-2006.
DSI Snake Sandwich High-Angle Conveyors prove most economical in the largest of applications. This inspired the DSI Snake slogan, THE GREATER THE TONNAGE, THE HIGHER THE LIFT, THE BETTER WE LOOK!
DSI has also executed a number of other projects in 2005 which utilized the broad range of services offered. Highlights include:
- Structural and mechanical design for the overhaul of a power plant crusher house
- Field advisory services for land plant and marine installations
- Conveyor inspections and investigative analyses
- ExConTech projects for a variety of conveyors
- High-tech chute design and modifications
- Expert witnessing
This work, combined with other projects not mentioned, has made for a great 2005. DSI now looks to the future, with confidence that 2006 will yield even greater success.
Product Categories:
Mining » Conveyors, Pulleys & Belts » Conveyor Belts
Mining » Conveyors, Pulleys & Belts » Conveying Systems
Mining » Conveyors, Pulleys & Belts » Complete Conveyor Systems