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Identifying an Optimal Biofuel

Identifying an Optimal Biofuel

Product News Wednesday, April 23, 2014: EngNet - Engineering Network

The Model 440 Elemental Analyzer from Exeter Analytical Inc. is proven to provide precise percentage Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Nitrogen (N) data on biomass samples in as little as 5 minutes

Identifying an optimal biofuel from crop, grass, algae or tree (biomass) samples has traditionally been laborious and painstaking.  Determining the percentage Hydrogen data enables easy calculation of the biomass sample gross or net calorific value.  With increasing global interest in 'Carbon Trading' the determination of percentage carbon provides accurate data to enable organisations (or countries) to buy and sell carbon permits as part of a program to reduce carbon emissions. The determination of the Nitrogen content of biomass samples using a Model 440 saves considerable time and cost with no diminishment of data quality compared with the traditional Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method.

The Model 440 is a static combustion CHN Elemental Analyzer, with a unique horizontal furnace design, which enables easy removal of sample residue between each biomass analysis.  Consequently one combustion tube will analyse in excess of 1000 biomass samples without the need for removal and cleaning. By comparison other elemental analyzers, employing vertical furnace designs, will require cleaning after as little as 20 samples. The gas flow characteristics of the Model 440 analyzer are superior to other elemental analyzers due to the effective elimination of troublesome residue build-up. This thereby provides longer-term calibration stability as well as enhanced accuracy and precision for measured biomass sample data.

In addition, as the Model 440 provides complete control over combustion parameters it is able to reproducibly achieve 100% combustion with the widest range of biomass samples. Proprietary Nitrogen analysis software uniquely enables accurate measurement of low Nitrogen levels (in the 0.1-0.2% range) with a high degree of accuracy.

For further information please contact Exeter Analytical on +1-978-251-1411   / or in Europe - email

Exeter Analytical is a company that has been dedicated to elemental microanalysis for over 25 years. Our expertise and experience with instruments, consumables and supplies has allowed us to better understand all issues facing microanalysts.  As a consequence, whether you are a regular or an occasional purchaser, experienced and knowledgeable staff is always available to provide technical advice.  

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