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Machine Condition Monitoring (MCM) Ltd

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Machine Condition Monitoring (MCM) Ltd

Unit 6, Clwydfro Business Centre
Lôn Parcwr Business Park
Lôn Parcwr
LL15 1NJ
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)845 230 6005
Fax: +44 (0)20 768 11861

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Raytek MT4

Raytek MT4

Product News Wednesday, April 25, 2007: Machine Condition Monitoring (MCM) Ltd

Raytek MT4

Systems Application

The MiniTemp includes a large backlight display and a Laser Point to assist in sighting your target. The MiniTemp is pocket-sized and perfect for maintenance professional’s toolbox in a wide number of industrial applications.

Use it to spot costly energy losses around your plant and to monitor for high temperatures on your assets!
  • Plant Maintenance
  • Automotive Applications
  • HAVC/R
  • Electrical
  • Food Safety
  • DIY and Home applications
  • Temperature Range –18 to 275oC
  • D:S (Distance to Spot): 8:1
  • Response time: 500mS, 95% response
  • Emissivity: Pre-set at 0.95
  • Repeatability: +/-2%, or +/- 2oC whichever is greater
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