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Solartron DP1S used in Newage Hardness Tester
Product News Thursday, October 25, 2012: Ametek Solartron Metrology
Newage Testing Instruments has solved a difficult metrology problem with the help of Solartron’s DP1S digital LVDT.
The Rockwell hardness test for metal measures the depth of penetration of a conical diamond under loads up to 150 kg. At 150 kg. maximum penetration (0 hardness) is 200 microns. Reducing the load to 1 kg. reduces maximum penetration to about 20 microns.
In order to obtain 0.1% accuracy, the depth of penetration must be measured to 20 nanometers.
“No problem, the Solartron DP1S has an incredible 18 bit A/D giving a LSB of about 4 nanometers. The beauty of it is that the DP1S performs to its specification, completely eliminating the difficult measuring problem from the design process.”
John B. Oehrle
Development Engineer, hardness testers
Newage Testing Instruments, an Ametek Company.
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