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PET Bottle Cap Torque Test
Product News Friday, September 28, 2012: Mecmesin Limited
For over a century Água de Luso has been one of Portugal's most famous names in mineral water.
Água de Luso's mineral water is packaged in a variety of sizes of plastic (PET) bottles and it is essential that the caps on their bottles are easy to open, while at the same time applied tightly enough to ensure the bottles do not leak.
To guarantee the quality of their packaging Água de Luso wanted to test the slip torque and bridge torque on their tamper-evident bottle caps. They acquired five Mecmesin Tornado digital torque testers to precisely quantify the torque applied to the bottle caps. The easy-to-use 10N.m capacity Tornados have proven to be a good choice for Água de Luso.
To ensure quality and consistency, Água de Luso tests it bottles for compliance with company standards. At routine intervals, operators at the bottling plant in Luso place filled bottles onto the Tornado digital torque tester and the cap is tested for ease of opening and tightness of seal.

Before Água de Luso purchased the Tornados, torque testing of bottle caps was performed using a less accurate, analogue gauge-based manual testing device. The Tornado's digital torque capture technology combined with clear intuitive controls, easy-to-read pass/fail parameters and an on-board memory to keep statistical results offers far greater accuracy and ease-of-use.
Água de Luso commends the Mecmesin Tornado digital torque tester for its accuracy, portability and simplicity of use and praises the technical support and efficient calibration service provided by Mecmesin's Portuguese distributor, Egitron. For Água de Luso the rewards of the Tornado closure torque testers are obvious: ensuring customer satisfaction with cap openability, while retaining the integrity of their packaging and avoiding quality related problems.
"Mecmesin, through their Portuguese supplier Egitron, presented us with a good solution: reliable equipment and user-friendliness that was adequate for our needs. All our operators are capable of using this equipment because it is very simple to operate. I enjoy dealing with Egitron because they offer excellent technical support."
- Miguel Carvalho, Quality Assurance Manager, Água de Luso, Portugal