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High Throughput Chemistry in Microwave Vials

High Throughput Chemistry in Microwave Vials

Product News Thursday, February 23, 2017: Asynt Ltd.

Asynt has announced new inserts for its DrySyn heating blocks enabling scientists to now conduct precise temperature controlled, stirred experiments in 0.5-2ml tapered, 2-5ml and 10-20ml microwave vials. Available as an option for the DrySyn Parallel Synthesis Kit the new microwave vial inserts allow you to heat and stir up to 27 small scale reactions in parallel using any standard hotplate. The DrySyn Parallel Synthesis kit enables clean, safe synthesis without the hazards or problems associated with silicon oil baths or heating mantles. With no messy oil, heat resistant handles, and a wide selection of simple-to-configure reaction inserts - DrySyn is the heating block system of choice for thousands of labs around the world. Offering better heating rates than an oil bath there is no need to change your chemistry either. Durably constructed from chemically resistant, anodized aluminium, DrySyn heating blocks offer excellent heating performance to over 300ºC and can heat a reaction 25 per cent faster than an oil bath. DrySyn heating blocks also offer a flexible, safe alternative to using heating mantles.  For further information on the comprehensive range of reaction formats compatible with DrySyn Parallel Synthesis kit please visit  or contact Asynt on +44-1638-781709 or  Asynt is a leading supplier of affordable products, consumables and services for chemists in industry and academia.  With staff of trained chemists - Asynt is able to draw upon this in-depth applications knowledge to provide a high level of customer support for its DrySyn Heating Blocks, Controlled Lab Reactors, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Circulators, Temperature Control Systems, Vacuum Pumps and Laboratory Safety Equipment. 

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