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EngNet February Newsletter 2010

EngNet February Newsletter 2010

Wednesday, 10 February, 2010

Dear EngNet Visitor,

At the moment most companies are frantic with their financial year end and are looking forward to the start of the next financial year. We have a few plans for this coming year, which we will release as and when they come online.

EngNet Export Feature Upgraded

We have improved our excel export feature on the enquiries section of your EngNet listing. This allows you to export enquiries sent to you from EngNet into an excel spreadsheet for further analysis or processing. We have already received positive feedback. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

EngNet and Mobile Web

In our January newsletter we published an article on the predicted increase of mobile web. We will be launching in the near future a mobile web version of EngNet and also a mobile web version of our online unit’s converter. This will take convenience and accessibility to a new level.

Google releases Buzz status updates, buys Aardvark

Does the world need yet another social network? Google thinks so. The search giant released Google Buzz as a way for people who use Gmail to make connections with their email contacts and send status updates to them. The service looks similar to Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed (which was bought by Facebook), and automatically will update in Buzz when you send out tweets, upload pictures to Flickr or upload video to YouTube. The problem is that there is no connection to Facebook status updates, the giant in social networking that already has 400 million users. Plus, you can't send out a Twitter update through Buzz. "Facebook now dominates the social web so completely that it’s difficult to imagine an exodus to a competing service, unless that service offered some revolutionary new features that Facebook couldn’t possibly match -- Buzz doesn’t," wrote Mashable's Samuel Axon. But Tim O'Reilly begged to differ, calling Buzz "awesome" and "ter rific."

Until next time.

Adrian Cooney

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