EngNet August Newsletter 2009
Monday, 31 August, 2009
Dear EngNet Visitor,
Since our last newsletter, the weather has certainly warmed up - a fitting start to spring!
We are currently developing some new features to enhance the EngNet directory and will be announcing these as they come live. Again, a reminder to check your details on your EngNet listing to ensure that they are current and most importantly that your email address is working.
Promotions and news for this month...
Condition Based Monitoring Conference: Dates: 14 September 2009 - 16 September 2009 (14 days to go!)
Venue: The Garden Court OR Tambo International.
EngNet is pleased to announce that we have one seat available to give away for the above conference. This will be on a first come, first serve basis. Please reply to adrian@engnet.co.za. For more information about the conference, please visit: http://www.iir.co.za/detail.php?e=2196.
Our new cycling shirt is currently in production and will soon be ready. We have a limited number to give away and would like to give our clients first option. Again, this will be on a first come, first serve basis.
Please reply to adrian@engnet.co.za. |
Online Media News:
Being an online media company, we closely follow trends and changes in the industry. Despite the current downturn in the economy, we have continued to see good growth and the following article forecasts this to continue:
Veronis Suhler Stevenson had some sobering news with its annual Communications Industry Forecast -- with some notable exceptions. VSS predicted that many media sectors would continue to experience declines in revenues in 2009, including newspapers (down 18.7%), consumer magazines (down 14.8%) and radio (down 11.7%). But in newer media, the opposite is true, as VSS expects mobile ads to rise 18.1%, Internet ads to be up 9.2%, and PR and word of mouth marketing to be up 4.9%. Another big finding in the report was that in 2008, people spent more time with media they paid for, such as books and cable TV, than with more ad-supported media such as print periodicals. "What's really stark is that advertising, which not so long ago was the biggest part of the overall pie, is now the smallest part of the pie and is shrinking at a pretty good clip," VSS exec James P. Rutherfurd told the New York Times.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to adrian@engnet.co.za.
Adrian Cooney
Tel: 011 792 1311
Fax: 011 791 7816
1st Floor, Boskruin Village Shopping Centre, Corner Hawken & President Fouche Roads, Boskruin, 2194
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