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Metal & Tool Trade

Contact Details

Tel: +27 11 5701800
Fax: +27 11 5701820
Email: Email Metal & Tool Trade

Street Address

First Floor, Grosvenor Gate Building,
Hyde Park Lane,
Hyde Park,
South Africa

Postal Address

First Floor, Grosvenor Gate Building,
Hyde Park Lane,
Hyde Park,
South Africa

Company Description

MTT’s objective is to strive to be the preferred supplier by offering reliability, consistency and manufacturing solutions to our customers. This will be achieved by delivering quality products which address real needs and a progressive outlook which offers technology that remains in line with world trends.

We are committed to maintaining and improving valued partnerships with our international suppliers and continue representing them fairly and actively in the region.

Our aim is to offer employment strategies that will help employees reach their aspirations and create a committed team, while offering an attractive return on investment for our shareholders.

Products & Services

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Brand Name Products

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