Faro Arm Calibration and Re-verification
All Arm verifications are carried out following ISO 10360 standards and a UKAS certificate is supplied with every verification. This service can be carried out in our UKAS temperature controlled laboratory or onsite in its current working environment.
Easicheck Reference Artefact for CMMs and Arms
The Easicheck Reference artefact enables the user to perform interim verification checks on any CMM or portable Arm inbetween annual calibrations. It is recommended your Arm or CMM is checked at regular intervals as part of the ISO 10360 standard.
CMM Pallet Systems
Torus Measurement Systems are one of the leading independent CMM solution providers and now offer a complete range of Pallet System to assist the user load/unload complex and heavy components.
CMM Environmental Enclosures
Torus Measurement Systems can offer Enclosures to protect your CMM from the elements in a busy Shop-Floor environment. The Enclosure is designed to fit closely to the CMM, thereby maintaining the smallest footprint.
Fixture, Design & Manufacture
Fixturing allows you to make the most out of your measurement equipment, measuring accurately and quickly without influencing the measuring results.