Pharmacy Scales: GSE Model 664 & A&D® GF-P Series

Superior Scale offers the following models of Pharmaceutical Scales for sale and rent.
GSE Pharmaceutical Scale Model 664
The NTEP certified legal for trade Model 664 prescription counting scale was specifically designed to meet the demanding needs of prescription filling.
Network Compatible
System Integration
Prescription Validation
Inventory Control
Legal for Trade
GF-P Series Pharmaceutical Balance
These balances have met the rigourous standards set forth by the National Conference on Weights and Measures Handbook 44, for legal-for-trade use. The GF Legal-for-Trade balances are ideal for pharmacy and retail applications or any situation that requires a legal-for-trade toploading balance.
GF balances include outstanding features such as an IP54 splash proof keyboard and display, a bright vacuum fluorescent display, bi-directional RS-232C and display auto power off.
Legal-for-Trade Prescription Balance
Ideal for Pill Counting & Compounding
One-Second Response Time
Meets Handbook 44 Requirements for a "Class A" Prescription Balance
Large, Bright Vacuum Fluorescent Display Percentage
Counting Functions
Breeze Break Included
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