Stainless Valve Co., Inc.
Automatically Exchangeable Screen

Big Screen
The Automatically Exchangeable Screen
Stop production, take flanges loose, drop pipes and replace screens is a frequent task. Big Screen™ will reduce the down time for maintenance purposes. An example for the application of such a Big Screen™ is the vent on a steaming vessel. There are other possible applications like a back up screen behind the rotary screen for the recovery boiler, reducing possible plugging of the heat exchangers and burners.
If you have to stop production, take flanges loose, and replace screens, please look at the sketch of our Big Screen below.
This is a screen, which can be replaced without stopping production just pressing a button. The actuator moves the screens, bringing the one, which is to be exchanged, outside the screen body and at the same time the clean one into the flow area. While the one screen is outside the body it can be cleaned and prepared for the next exchange.
An example for the application of such a screen is the vent on the steaming vessel. In this case the Big ScreenTM features for example a screen pattern of 1/4” diameter holes on a 1/2” square centerlines, the cut rings, which shear the protruding fibers from the screen surface, glass filled PTFE screen guides, expanded PTFE rope packing, a long 14” face to face dimension with an optional “man-hole” for removing any fiber accumulation in front of the screen, if after several screen exchanges fibers should have accumulated in the screen body, and an actuator with 8000 lbs. of force for a 12” screen. Another option is a feature of the Big Screen, which allows any accumulation of fines (smaller than the screen opening size) above the horizontal screen blade to be returned to the space below the screen when screens are exchanged.
For other applications different screen sizes (2” to 72” diameter) with different hole sizes, different spacing and different face to face dimensions can be selected. There are other possible applications like a back up screen behind the rotary screen for the recovery boiler, reducing possible plugging of the heat exchangers and burners.
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