Road Material Stabilizers (Pty) Ltd
Brand Name Products
ISS 2500 Ionic Soil Stabiliser

ISS 2500 is an electrochemical clay soil stabiliser suitable for improving marginal or substandard materials or soils for use in the construction of roads.
Dustex Soil Binder and Dust Palliative

Dustex gravel preserver and dust palliative is a uniquely formulated lignin-based product available in both liquid and powder form.

DustLock is a water-based emulsion of modified acrylic polymers suitable for application to areas or surfaces requiring medium to long-term dust suppression.
HRDC+ (Haul Road Dust Suppression)

HRDC+ is a dust-wetting additive consisting of a special blend of surfactants, which increase the ability of water to penetrate the road surface to assist with the suppression of dust.
LBS (Labour Intensive Asphalt)

LBS is a formulated mixture of inert fillers, bitumen extenders and binder enhancers designed to be blended with selected aggregates and water based bituminous emulsion in the manufacture of asphalt for general road surfacing and repair.
Dustex »
- Dust Palliative
- Dust Suppression Treatment
- Gravel Binder
- Gravel Preserver
- Lignin-Based Gravel Preserver and Dust Palliative
DustLock »
- Dust Suppression Treatment
- Water-Based Emulsion of Modified Acrylic Polymers
- Dust Suppression Treatment
- Dust Wetting Additive
- Haul Road Dust Suppression
- Wetting Agent
ISS 2500 »
- Electrochemical Clay Soil Stabiliser
- Ionic Soil Stabiliser
LBS Asphalt »
- Bitumen
- Emulsion Based Labour Intensive Asphalt
- Labour Intensive Asphalt
- Soil Binder
- Soil Stabaliser
- Water Based Emulsion of Modified Acrylic Polymers
WDC (Waterless Dust Control) »
- Dust Control Treatment
- Synthetic Waterless Dust Control Agent