PVC Check Valves

We carry of a multiplicity of PVC Check Valves for your convenience.
Brass Ball Valves

Hydravalve offers brass ball valves in a variety of different models including full bore, mini, gas, 3-way, pneumatic actuated and electric actuated.
Knife Gate Valves

Hydravalve offers knife gate valves in sizes of 2" to 24" with cast iron bodies, stainless steel blades and EPDM seals.
Strainer Check Valve

Hydravalve offers strainer check valve sizes of 1/2" to 10".
Cast Iron Global Valve

Hydravalve offers a wide variety of cast iron global valve products.
Pneumatic Valve Actuator

Hydravalve has a wide range of pneumatic valve actuator products to meet your specific needs.