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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Personal Pledge

It is the sole purpose of EngNetGlobal to make your company known to the world, without divulging any unnecessary information. Our goal is to showcase your company’s products and services to potential customers, while maintaining a level of confidentiality for any private details you may provide. To better help you understand the way your information is used, we provide this privacy statement explaining our online information policies, and the choices you have concerning this data.

What Information Will You Be Asked For?

We only ask you for the information that is absolutely necessary for us to create a company listing that will help you connect to potential buyers. When you sign up for EngNetGlobal’s company listing, you will be asked for:

  • Your company’s name
  • A contact person’s name
  • A phone number for your company
  • A fax number for your company
  • Your company’s physical address
  • Your company’s postal address
  • Your website URL
  • A list of products, brand names, and/or services your company offers

If your company decides to use any of paid services, you will be asked to provide a credit card number or a bank account number.

How will EngNetGlobal Use the Information We Collect?

All of your company’s information (such as your company name, address, contact information, etc...) will be used only for your company listing and will never be sold or provided to a third party. It will only be used to create your company’s personalized and the internal promotion of our paid services.

If your company decides to take advantage of any of our paid services, all financial information (credit card numbers, bank account information etc…) will not be kept in an electronic database that is connected to our network. At EngNetGlobal we know that a large part of identity theft occurs from the penetration of company networks and the theft of company laptops containing valuable consumer data, therefore we opt out of maintaining an electronic database of your financial information attached to the EngNetGlobal network. If at any time our data storage policy changes, this privacy statement will be updated accordingly.

We will NEVER sell/provide your delicate financial information to any third party. We do not even allow employees to access your information unless it is absolutely necessary. Your private information is safe with us.

Our Personal Commitment to Your Security

To prevent unauthorized access, make certain that your information is used correctly, and to keep all information complete and up to date, we have in created and initiated the proper electronic, physical, and managerial procedures to secure the information we collect.

How Can You Access and/or Change Your Company’s Information?

You can access and/or change all of your company’s listing information (such as company name, address, etc…) by logging into your account at, and clicking on the Contact Details tab.

If you need to update your financial information, please send an email to or call 1-888-793-4394.

How Can You Contact Us?

If you have comments or concerns regarding this privacy statement, please contact us via telephone or email.

Toll free phone number: 1-888-793-4394
Email us at:

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